
In the instrumental analysis laboratory, analysis and purification of synthesized peptides as well as analysis of all samples of synthesized active pharmaceutical ingredients, in accordance with international standards in pharmaceutical pharmacopoeia, is performed. This laboratory is equipped with various devices and equipment, including:

High Performance Liquid Chromatography

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is the most important and common method of chromatography that is widely used for a wide range of non-volatile materials in various fields of science.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis as well as sample purification can be performed using HPLC. Qualitative analysis is performed to diagnose and identify the type of compounds, and in order to quantify the amount of analyte, the area under the peak or the peak height of the unknown compound is compared with the standard sample.

(Analytical HPLC)

(Analytical HPLC)

(Semipreparative HPLC)

Freeze Dryer

Freezer Dryer is used to remove solvent and dry samples by creating a vacuum at very low temperatures without changing the structure of the composition. Freeze dryer works by freezing the material and then reducing the ambient pressure by allowing the sublimation of frozen water in the liquid directly from the solid phase to the gas phase.

(Freeze Dryer)

Other facilities and equipment required for the preparation and purification of peptides, along with the various laboratory equipment are listed below.

  • UV Spectrophotometer: Model UV-1600.
  • Polarimeter.
  • Water Purification System: Model MILLIPORE.
  • Ultrasonic Bath: Model BANDELIN RK106.
  • Circulating Cooling Bath: Model JULABO.
  • Oven: Model BINDER.
  • Vacuum Oven: Model BINDER.
  • pH meter: Model METROHM 827 PH Lab.
  • Rotary Evaporator Model LABOROTA 4000.